Jun 18, 2009

Sample Pages are Welcome

Just a reminder that 4-5 pages of your first chapter are welcome. Just include them with your query submission the same as you would in an email query.

I'm open to posting sample pages without a query letter, too. Since many agents do accept 4-5 pages with a query, they are part of the submission and I think that fits with the spirit of this blog.

And as the sole moderator, I enjoy the right to make sweeping judgment calls like this ;-)


Barb said...

Rick, could I just grab this chance to thank you very much for running this blog. I get a great deal out of it, even though I don't always have the time to comment due to work commitments.

The spirit of the people who comment is one of constructive feedback and support. You have built a lovely place where it is safe to post our work.

You rock.

Joshua McCune said...

To borrow from Ghost/Patrick Swayze - "Ditto."

Rick Daley said...

I had no idea what to expect when I started this blog. I had visions of it going nowhere and dying after a week, and I also pictured 500 queries a day.

I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out. Not too many queries that it's an unmanageable slushpile, and I haven't posted a query yet that went a day without comments.

I wish I had time to comment more, too. I make up for it by reading all the queries and comments on the site. I've learned a lot by doing this.

Bane - Glad you attributed that to Ghost, not Rush Limbaugh ;-)

Joshua McCune said...

As someone who has conservative tendencies, there's nothing scarier to me than Rush Limbaugh acting as the face of the Republican Party (well, maybe Sarah Palin, or Dubbya, or Cheney, but it's a close toss-up :)

hope101 said...

Re: the safe community--yes! There are a lot of places on-line where the rush to criticize, rather than critique, gets a little overwhelming. I'm all for building a thick skin, but there is such a thing as consideration...

Anyway, count me in as another fan.

Laura Martone said...

I echo everyone else's sentiments here when I say... Thanks, Rick, for starting and maintaining this helpful slushpile. I agree with Barb and Hope (Cherry) that this online community you've nurtured is one of honesty, support, and encouragement. We all learn a lot here - whether we're critiquing others' queries or getting feedback for our own - but the vibe is positive, hopeful, and respectful (not at all common for most critique-based sites).

Someday, I fully intend to take advantage of your invitation to post sample pages along with my newly revised query, but until then, I can't wait to see other people's pages... I think it would help us all to round out our query education, since so many agents do ask to see pages in addition to the dreaded query itself - and as many of us have determined, writing a novel and writing a query are far different crafts! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you, Rick. I echo everyone's positive sentiments.

I may post some pages as well. I am feeling really discouraged right now, so maybe it will help.

J.B. Chicoine said...

After being away, without internet for 3 WEEKS, this is one of the first places I couldn’t wait to visit—I’m sure that indicates something very positive about this site. I’m looking forward to reading more queries!

Thanks for all the work you put in here, Rick, and thanks to all those who offer their feedback.

Rick Daley said...

Thanks JB. How on earth did you go so long? I would have convulsions and break out in a rash if I tired to go 3 weeks without Internet!

J.B. Chicoine said...

Well, Rick, there was a fair bit of thrashing and itching. To be honest, it was surprisingly enlightening; deprivation is a great teacher. The tough part is the aftermath—all that email to process!